Sunday 9 June 2024

Col Doug Macgregor on why NATO and US army is toast in any conflict with Russia and why Russia is right to fear that NATO knows nuclear war is its only option

 Relentless cheerleader for Wall Street, ZeroHedge has presented what it claims is a significant organization change to NATO plans to rush US troops through Europe to Russia which is to be unveiled at NATO s summit and which appears to be more of a cosmetic PR stunt on closer inspection. 


Real change would come when the likes of Jens Stoltenberg or Llyod Austin are fired for their disastrous record and for miscalculating the Ukraine war and paving the way for a historical defeat for NATO and the West.

A British or American drone has now struck a Russian stealth fighter deep inside Russian territory, increasing the risk of a devastating missile strike against a Western or UK target. 

More likely is that the Russians will rapidly adapt their air fields to add more layers of protection.

Thanks to their People s Central Bank and vast resources,energy and trade with China, Russia can produce whatever it needs to win the war. Its economy and military logistics are becoming more effective after several generals were arrested for corruption.

Doug Macgregor lists the many reasons why American and NATO troops are toast in any conflict with Russia, and top of that list is logistics.

Cosmetic tweaks like creating a "military Schengen" to speed US troops through Europe are just PR stunts, which do not alter the fundamental deficiencies in the US armies size, old equipment, lack of logistics,air defenses, and,vitally, lack of quality leadership,which Col Macgregor lists with admirable accuracy. 

If a car has taken a wrong turn and is speeding over a cliff, changing signs and removing a random wooden fence ortwo as it rushes towards the cliff will not affect the ultimate outcome.  The car is going over a cliff.

A relatively small army of 300 to 400,000 soldiers with old weapons, and too few of those old weapons, wit  too little ammo, no effective air defenses, with a weak manufacturing base to produce what it needs, with no logistical infrastructure beyond Poland, with poor leadership, chaotic leadership,  as it starts to operate in a theatre of war of 100s of square miles exposed to FAB glide bombs, hypersonic missiles and drones is toast.

RIP US army.

RIP US Marine 1 Division in the wide fields of the Ukraine with 100s of miles of space around and no railways, trucks or air support or in a besieged city like Stalingrad. 


Plus, what military industrial base in Europe exactly is to be paired with a military Schengen according to this "new" plan?

Deindustrialized Europe does not have any significant military industrial base left,and its not going to be able to build one up in 100 years let alone 10.  Europe is now more like Papua New Guinea. Even North Korea seems to have a more advanced military base,weapons and army than Europe in 2024.

And if China imposes war sanctions on Europe, what little industrial base Europe has left will collapse.

Where are basic things like steel to come from let alone electronic components?

What public is going to support fortress Europe in 2024 in the West after the covid jab harms and crimes, the economic looting of the governments (Nordstream, sanctions,inflation,taxes, private central banks) and Gaza genocide?

What public in the Europe is going to support a Nazi linked Kiev regime which has abolished elections, implemented martial law against Russia just so the Billionaires like Rothschilds and Soros can get Russia s energy resources?

This is time when conscripts are more likely to turn any weapons against the WEF elite dictatorships engaged in censorship, crimes, tyranny, medical experiments and cover ups, than go to war with Russia and use a  military schengen  to move straight to capitals more quickly.

The notion of a fortress Europe is fantasy. 

And the Russians and Chinese know it is fantasy.

 They don t read WEF controlled The Times and Zerohedge to figure out what is going on in the West.

The Russians know the WEF elite are isolated, lack all support from the public and are maintaining power only by the skin of their teeth with ever more repressive measures and ordinary sense crimes as shown by the Greek prosecutor probes.

The Russians and Chinese know NATO and WEF elite only have the nuclear strike card left.

But here they have lost the surprise element.

The inevitability of the defeat of the US and NATO armies in a conventional war with Russia is so clear that Col Macgregor also rightly warns the WEF elite controlling NATO and the US could very soon resort to nukes in the fantastical notion they can win a nuclear war when Russia,China and Iran have the cutting edge when it comes to missile and nuclear weapons delivery systems.

If the WEF elite think they can sacrifice Europe and allow Russia to turn it into radioactive ash and life will go for them as normal in the island of US and UK, they are delusional.

But here s the rub. The WEF elite ARE delusional. This is the scarey reality for the Western public.

Charles, William, Cameron, Biden and Macron did not even have nuclear briefcases at hand at the D Day celebrations in Normandy showing the penny has not dropped that they are going to be the first target of nuclear strikes.  

Charles, Cameron represent the government whose drones and army just wiped out two of Russia s nuclear warly warning stations. The Russians have said it was them.

Yet,they act as if there is no connection between them and the strikes they order in the minds of the Russians and the world because the connection is not made in an article in The Times or FT,and therefore,is not an official and real fact.

As if the Russians and Chinese bother with The Times or FT. 

Indeed, the Brits don t bother with The Times and BBC in 2024 either,which is why William and Charles are struggling to keep a lid on the covid jab harms scandal and the disappearance of Kate.

The WEF elite s  fantastical buffoonery is why we in Europe,UK and US really must prepare for nuclear strikes.

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