Saturday 8 June 2024

Alex Jones warns Infowars about to be shut down as part of a crackdown on free speech

Whichever way you cut and dice it, AlexJones and Infowars were subjected to a biased and rigged trial designed to destroy and crush free speech and the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre were used as a fig leaf. 

The lies and smears of the mainstream media against myself were integral to the crimes against me but because the media were funded by Gates and Soros, nothing ever happens to them or to other mainstream media who pushed false and deceptive claims about covid jab safety, covid virus origins or about Zelensky s Nazi links.

The closure of Infowars will backfire just as the rigged trial against Trump backfired.

The crimes against me backfired and drew attention to Soros and Gates in Moscow and Beijing and elsewhere.

The insular WEF elite are too focussed on a (failing) attempt to deceive and crush their domestic Western audience and not enough on their foreign Eastern audience, Russia,China and the BRICS, who operate in a different info sphere and find the information the WEF try to censor is the most critical.

Yet, even within the info war inside the West, the censorship has failed dramatically.

But if the WEF elite could learn from their mistakes,they might have continued in power for longer ad been more dangerous.Now they are facing their end and it may even be as nuclear ashes.

The 1848 revolution in Austria which drove out Rothschild agent Metternicht was caused by censorship and about much more harmless topics than covid jab harms, murder attemts by Nat Rothschild and his right hand Soros against a reporter.

Nat Rothschild and Soros are also almost behind my de facto ban on Twitter,X,which just draws everyone of importance in the intel community to the info they want to hide,namely,about a sneak nuclear strike against Russia and China as NATO s conventional weapons fal.

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