Friday 7 June 2024

WEF elite have made a big miscalculation and antagonized China by sending Zelensky to publicly chide them for support Russia,says CNBC

Readers of my info since 2018 will know why China and Russia are going to stick together through thick and thin as the victims of attacks by the same WEF elite.

But where is my info? 

Blogs are illegally removed,suspended,censored by the WEF who seem to live in the delusionary belief that the Russians and Chinese will start reading and believing the FT, Economist if they remove the competition offering more accurate analysis. 

The censorship of my last Twitter, X feed is another strongest possible signal to the Russians and Chinese of the WEF s intention as is the fact Soros, Gates and the WEF elite continue and participate in ongoing murder attempt against a reporter as documented in Greek prosecutor probes,known to the Russians since 2016 as shown by the fact a Kremlin based TV producers interviewed me in Greece on Soros and Gates covid, Ebola jab plot.

Yet,the WEF elite appear to be under the delusion the Russians and Chinese don t see this probe and the crimes of Soros as actionable intelligence, critical clues about what Soros and Gates plan offered by what they censor.

Crucially my Twitter, X was blocked as I was warning of a sneak nuclear attack on Russia and China.

That s what Soros, Gates,Biden wanted to censor.

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