Friday 28 June 2024

"The biggest lies are the ones we tell ourselves" Biden says his self demolition during his debate with Trump "went well" as Dems panic


Well, Biden remembered Alex Soros advise about calling Trump a convicted felon during the debtate if nothing else much.

But that gem of a piece of advise from Alex Soros didn t seem to make any difference to the US public left incredulous at Biden s gaffes and poor performance and forced to confront the bitter realization Biden has no plan to turn the collapsing USA around other than to mouth empty slogans scripted for him by a failing WEF elite.

After that debacle, it looks  like Trump,who is no great shakes himself, is now 97% sure to win the next election. 

Everything is relative.

In the Kingdom of the Blind, the one eyed man is king.

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