Friday 28 June 2024

Biden admin orders 5 million doses of new experimental bird flu jab being given on a voluntary basis (for now) in Finland

Biden and his handlers, Bill and Melinda Gates and George and Alex Soros, appear to want to expedite their trials and imprisonment for their covid jab false and deceptive marketing

To attempt a repeat using bird flu this time when the world has woken up to their scheme and state AGs are taking legal action is another sign the WEF elite live in fantasy world.

A rerun in 2024 is not a "get out of jail card." It is the ticket to jail because it shows prosecutors and the public the elite will never stop threatening  them until they are in handcuffs. They cannot and do not want to see the game is over and start making restitution to the covid lockdown and jab victims and accepting legal liability.

Gates and associates need to  take legal advise after the Supreme Court ruling on the Sackler families liability for their role in causing a public health crisis by deceptively marketing the highly addictive opioids as "safe and effective" for their personal profit.

That ruling is a stark warning to them.

It was a warning that the broad American public cannot, and will not, tolerate a relatively tiny group of Billionaires and their corrupted tools in high office from nearly causing 10s if not 100s of millions of cases of deaths and sickness and a nationwide economic collapse, especially not when Russia and China are resisting the fake pandemics and the toxic jabs and are poised to buy up the West once it is depopulated and has collapsed?

When will Bill and Melinda Gates, George and Alex Soros, Albert Bourla, von der Leyen and Mitsotakis and Finland s Orpo and associates realize it is better for them to face prison in the USA than in Russia and China, which are their two alternatives?

Does Orpo want the Finns to start running to the border and opening the gates to welcome the Russians into the country by instigating a false flag bird flu pandemic using experimental jabs with a verifiable history of giving people the disease? 

How many Finns want to die painful and excrutiating deaths from bioweapon jabs given to them by their criminal government ministers using false claims? 

Orpo may find the answer is very few in 2024 

He may rue the day he tried to hoodwink and threaten Finns when there are so many proofs against the WEF elite, which are so well known despite the censorship.


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