Tuesday 25 June 2024

UK army starts war recruitment ads as gov to spend 1 B to develop hypersonic missiles by 2030. Doesn t have more money cos of debts to the private bankers who lend gov its own money charging interest...

Come on,Pr William and Sir Rod Stewart, look at the new wonderful ad for the UK army with hypersonic missiles!


Rather late in the day, the British government has recognized it has a massive gap in its weapons systems.

Two years after Russia started destroying Ukrainian and NATO positions with hypersonic glide missiles, and threatening to wipe out the UK, EU and USA over its nuclear posturing, the UK government is to begin with the development of its own domestic hypersonic missile programme.


The catch? It will take until 2030 and there is only 1 billion to spend on the project. 

Serious question.

How come no one in the UK or US or EU governments could foresee 2 or 10 years ago that hypersonic missiles would prove to be a crucial weapons system? Where are the planners? What are the intelligence analysts doing?

What use are 1 million, 10 million, 100 million conscripts in the age of strategic hypersonic glide missile strikes against decision making centres like White Hall, Downing St and Windsor?

Is it a good idea to keep escalating the conflict with Russia by killing civilians on a beach in the Crimea, attacking a space control station and a military research facility in Moscow when NATO has no missile defences?

In the meantime, Pr William can do his bit and evacuate people from areas in the Ukraine, or even Britain soon, targetted by Russian FAB bombs including the FAB 3000 glide bombs and hypersonic glide bombs the West cannot defend against.


 By the time the UK develops its own hypersonic missiles by 2030, if it ever does succeed, Russia and China will have developed the next generation of hypersonic missiles because their economies and governments are simply better at getting things done and they have all the funds they need due to their People s Central Banks.

Baffling why the British army continues to spend so much time and energy on ceremonial duties, projecting a power the UK no longer has, to mark visits by leaders of other countries like Japan, who no longer have the power they used to have in 2024 with Russia and China forming a new global super power and when their own the public has decompartmentalized also due to the covid jab harms,which has become a major scandal in Japan, rather than spend time and energy doing basic things like updating their weapons systems.

Nowadays, the average person knows more about private central banks and the NWO than the MI6 director knew 50 years ago due to the internet.  Backroom deals no longer do the trick..


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