Sunday 23 June 2024

Andrew Cuomo says Trump should never have been prosecuted for hush money to a consenting adult porn star, rightly says due process in everyone s interest

Former NY AG Andrew Cuoomo has joined the chorus of critics of Trump s political prosecution misusing the law. 

Judge Judy has said it s hard to figure out what his crime is supposed to be in the hush money case and that prioritzing prosecuting him for that above prosecuting criminals whose actions have socially dangerous consequences for others is unacceptable especially using tax payers money. 

Alex Soros and Kamala Harris have made public statements and tweets which incriminate them in sanctioning, organizing and hoping to profit from the abuse of justice to remove a political opponent.

If there is one bastion against tyranny which all citizens enjoy in the USA and should continue to enjoy, it is the Constitution and rule of law. 

Upholding the Constitution and rule of law is not a Dem or Rep, a left or right thing. It should be common sense and a common interest for everyone.

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