Friday 21 June 2024

German concert goers tear up 1984 script and jeer Rod Stewart and Zelensky in a surreal Big Brother moment

Boos and jeers drowned out Rod Stewart when a gigantic virtual Zelensky, the dictator in Kiev who has banned elections and has Nazi brigades in his army, was flashed onto a screen during  a concert in Leipzig and the Scottish singer turned to salute the towering "Father of the Free People".

Dressed in combat jacket and green T shirt, the towering, virtual Zelensky looked down from behind his 2 D digital desk at the tiny figure of Rod Stewart saluting him and at the German audience, apparantly contemplating his future troop reinforcements inside the concert hall in Leipzig with benevolent satisfaction.

But the spontaneous outpouring of hostility from the audience at the sight of Zelensky showed the feelings were not mutual.

Winston Schmidt has gone to Leipzig.

The degree of fury and contempt expressed for Zelensky may have taken him, Rod Stewart and their WEF handlers aback.

Despite relentless pro Ukraine propaganda in the German mainstream media, the most mainstream of Germany s mainstream concert goers, ( we are talking Rod Stewart fans, after all, the kind who probably think dancing aroud their handbag at discos and drinking one beer is daring) jeered and booed the "Protector of the People", "the Defender of Democracy", the "Churchill of Kiev" 

That, when Rod Stewart and the WEF script, so lovingly crafted with the help of MI6?, the music and images,  required love for Big Brother,  rapturous cheers, applause and exclamations of joy and pride at the sight of Vlodomyr in his combat green and the Ukraine flag.

Not sure Rod Stewart and his production team have ever read George Orwells  1984 but the surreal screen with tanks and soldiers and the face of Zelensky bore an uncanny resemblance to the "flicks" described byWinston Smith in Chapter 1.

"And all the while, lest one should be in any doubt as to the reality which (Zelensky s and Rod s) specious claptrap covered, behind his head on the telescreen there marched the endless columns of the Eurasian army — row after row of solid-looking men with (tanks), who swam up to the surface of the screen and vanished, to be replaced by others exactly similar. The dull rhythmic tramp of the soldiers’ boots formed the background to (Zelenskys solemn look and Ukraine flag). ... The self-satisfied sheep-like face on the screen, and the terrifying power of the Eurasian army behind it, were too much to be borne: besides, the sight or even the thought of (Zelensky) produced fear and anger (unexpectedly showing the script and mind control had gone out of the window)" 

Results in the EU elections show that about half the voters in Eastern Germany want to leave NATO and ditch the WEF agenda and support for Zelensky.

That may be one reason why Russian intel now report the WEF elite are planning to exit Zelensky and replace him with another politician to negotiate peace.

 Rod Stewart s reputation will surely take a battering for turning his concerts into thinly veiled propaganda events for the Kiev dictator and the German governments new push for military service.

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