Thursday 27 June 2024

Trump may pick a venture capitalist who worked for Peter Thiel as VP highlighting why State Govs, AGs and Republican base cannot rely on him

JD Vance has had the ultimate WEF insiders career path working for CNN and Peter Thiel, one of the WEF Silicon Valley elite who also employed ex Austrian Chancellor and covid jab pusher Sebastian Kurz. 

If Trump picks him or other promoters of the WEF agenda like Marco Rubio, the Republican base and states need to start taking over control of the Republican agenda.

If elected president, Trump has to be given a list of people to fill the WH by the Republican patriot wing,cannot be allowed to fill all the positions with Globalists and WEF elite and trick the voters as he did in 2016 when he gave half the key jobs to Wall St bankers and lobbyists of the military industrial complex, funded covid gain of function research, the Pentagon and government s covid censorship complex and Operation Warp Speed.

If he doesn t walk the talk, the Republican states AGs can arrest him along with Biden on the basis of the Greek prosecutor probes and clear out the entire WEF network in the uniparty system which rules the USA and loots it through the private Fed Reserve, which supplies the fraudulent ecosystem for "venture capitalists" like JD Vance to make vast profits.

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