Sunday 30 June 2024

WW3 FALSE FLAG PLANNED SOON? Spoiled Billionaires William and Kate play act "war heroes" in pro conscription propaganda videos

More war propaganda from the failing and discredited Windsors, fuelling speculation that a false flag may be launched by the WEF soon to justfy suspending the US election and declaring war against Russia, martial law and conscription.

Barely back after a mysterious absence of about 6 months, Kate is once more featured in military themed video while William is seen modelling army camouflage which he wears with all the swishand swagger of a male model parading up and down the cat walk at a fashion show.

Camouflage does not look good on Billionaire Princes like William who have exempted themselves from service at the front despite getting tax payers to fund their free helicopter pilot training at the RAF and who have never set foot on any front line and never intend to.

Camouflage looks good on soldiers serving at the Ukraine front pounded by Russian FAB bombs and hypersonic missiles and drones. William and Kate need to walk their talk and serve in the trenches around Kharkiv. Then, they can credibly make war videos if they are still alive.

Orange jump suits will look good on William, Kate and Charles and Camilla.

Their hands are dripping in blood from their promotion of the toxic covid jabs and Nazi linked Zelensky.

And the proofs of the UK government s intent  to kill and make sick millions, if not billions, through the covid jabs are in Greece.

William and Kate do not want to grasp there was a reason why the Brits respected the Queen and Philip and that reason was largely that they served in a war as well as that they respected other people by and large.

Meanwhile, they, like Charles, have never gone to war, held down a proper job or accomplished anything of significance in the real world. 

Running a mafia is not an accomplishment.

Yet despite the Monarchy facing collapse as even Royal experts say, William and Kate continue to do the same old, same old, promoting the same old,same old WEF agenda with the same old propaganda which Brits and the rest of the globe are sick and tired of in 2024 as the covid jab lawsuits start.

When will the British police finally arrest the Windsor crime family, Sunak, Starmer, Cameron and Johnson for their role in the covid criminal scheme, which involved giving the jabs to UK police and army using false and deceptive marketing?


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