Tuesday 25 June 2024

Proven covid jab criminal, Kyriakos Mitsotakis pushes Bourla pal Ursula von der Leyen for second term, now fixed paving the way for the collapse of the EU as ordinary people reject authoritarian and criminal elite

 Among the six negotiators determining who wll be the next EC President is Kyriakos Mitsotakis, caught in massive crimes in Greece against a reporter for warning about covid jabs.

Underlining the extent to which the EU and EC has been captured by a tiny criminal network, Mitsotakis has played a key role in ensuring  Ursula von der Leyen will get a second term as ECP despite the scandal surrounding her secret deal with Bourla over covid jabs in what will surely prove to be a massive own goal given the scale of the legal proofs against them and their lack of control over the public mind in Europe let alone of the public mind in the rest of the globe and the courts there.




WEF plans for false flags, cyberattacks, WW3,censorship, conscription and even nuclear war are fantastical especially as their financial power base,the private Fed and USD collapses.

No scheme of theirs will be able to deflect from their crimes or allow them or Gates or Soros or Bourla or Mitsotakis to escape justice for their covid jab crimes, so well known in 2024 around the globe also thanks to the proofs they left in Greece.

Mere fantastists would think they can deal with a legal problem by abolishing due process around the globe and even blowing up the globe. History shows no dictator has ever successfully managed to abolish due process and the law for any length of time. History shows no authoritarian govrnment can go against the people and their core interests and survive long term.

But tech nerds and fantasists, who have made too much money by various shady schemes, is what we appear to be dealing with as the Russians and Chinese also know very well.

Time for arrest warrants to be issued aginst them using the Greek prosecutor probes and information to well known also to Americans that Gates was caught in 2014 personally organizing a smear campaign in The Tampa Bay Times against me as well as in the subsequent probes.

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