Sunday 9 June 2024

Bill and Melinda Gates and Soros Foundation staff can thank the Billionaires for exposing them to the maximum penalty for covid mass murder,fail to plan as usual

As Melinda marked her final day at her and Bills Foundation, and headed off into the sunset,she left her staff with some very bad news which is that they will be facing trial with her for the maximum penalty of attempted or actual murder of a reporter in Greece.

As we all expected Melinda never learns from her mistakes,never reviews what she did wrong anymore than Bill and she did not use any of her ill gotten billions to settle the compensation claims linked to correcting her and Bill s crimes against a reporter for warning the the globe about their covid, Ebola, birdflu jab harms.

These are probes opened by prosecutors in Greece and corrupted at the Supreme Court level.

They are well known to the Russians and their allies, as well as to the FBI. The fact the Gates and Sors funded media never report on them just implicates their media in the crime along with their foundation staff. 

The Greek probes capture the Foundation staff as the instruments of Gates and Soros family in their crimes.

Hope the Foundation staff are ready to face the maximum penalty along with Melinda on trials which are sure to come as the WEF elite lose their grip on power precisely because they never plan and prepare for real world problems. They can thank Melinda and Bill for putting them in prison or even on death row because we are talking about premeditated murder and mass murder.

 Cutting plea deals nd telling all may be their only chance of avoiding the worst when the US and global public starts looking beyond Gates funded Fauci for justice for the covid virus and jabs.

Not sure Melinda thinks she can go in the new world dominated by the BRICS and with hundreds of millions of furious covid jab victims and their families.

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