Friday 7 June 2024

Colonel Doug MacGregor on the dangers of nuclear war any moment due to a miscalculation by WEF elite who live in a fantasy version due to fake news

Must see interview with Doug MacGregor also on the NATO attack on Russia s early warning systems for nuclear missiles,which serves no other military purpose than to launch a nuclear strike on Russia.

MacGregor says WEF govs are getting desperate because they have caused so much damage to their own people also through Nordstream,sanctions, deindustralization, covid lockdowns and jabs. 

Under the delusion, they can use WW3 to stay in power,cancel elections  when it will accerlate their end as Russia and China have been preparing for war for years.

From media

Four Russian vessels, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will arrive in Havana next week, Cuban officials have said.

Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Thursday that the vessels, none of which carry any nuclear weapons, will dock in the Cuban capital between June 12 and 17, assuring that their presence “does

not represent a threat to the region”.

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