Sunday 23 June 2024

Poison pill? Melinda Gates endorsement of Joe Biden increases his chances of prison for the covid jab crimes executed for the profit of the Gates family

 If there is one endorsement that perhaps no politician in 2024 wants, it is from Bill and Melinda Gates or Alex and George Soros, or Albert Bourla, all facing serious prison time courtesy of the proofs they supplied in Greece. 

Alas for Joe Biden, he got Melinda Gates endorsement, a woman who may go down in history for the sheer length of the prison sentences meted out to her and all her criminal network,amounting to 10s of thousands. 

Once an overarching criminal scheme is proven, and Melinda did prove it in a spectacular own goal, all individuals who can be reasonably considered to have carried out that scheme face prosecution. That includes Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and 100s in the Biden admin.

US state AGs, counties and local governments poised to launch an avalanche of legal actions over covid jab harms in recognition of the fact the Fed gov and DOJ has been captured by Gates, Soros and if they don t protect Americans lives and health, no one else will.

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