Friday 28 June 2024



In a ruling set to have consequences for Bill and Melinda Gates,funder of Pfizer,BioNtech s covid vaccine as Kansas files the first lawsuit over the false and deceptive marketing of its covid jabs, the US Supreme Court has blocked Purdue Pharma’s bankruptcy settlement, which exempted the Billionaire Sackler family owners from lawsuits over their role in funding and profiting from the deadly opioid epidemic in exchange for a relatively tiny sum.

The judges voted  5-4 to reverse a lower court’s ruling that had upheld a plan to give the Sackler family,the owners of Purdue Pharma, immunity in exchange for paying up to $6bn to settle thousands of lawsuits accusing the company of false and misleading marketing of OxyContin, hiding the addictive properties of the opioid pain medication.

The ruling has significant implications for Billionaires Bill and Melinda Gates as well as George and Alex Soros both involved in the production and distribition of covid jabs using false and deceptive marketing.

The prosecutor probes in Greece prove that Gates, Soros and their associate Bourla knew they were engaged in decpetion, and intended to deceive the US public regardless of the public harm caused by the covid jabs, and even personally organized crimes against a reporter in Greece and the corruption of justice to continue with those crimes.

Bill and Melinda Gates may have thought they could negotiate the kind of patently illegal immunity shield which the Sacklers did as the brains and funders of the covid jab scheme and left Pfizer,BioNtech and Moderna to face trillions in compensation claims for false and deceptive marketing.

The Supreme Court s ruling has made it clear that even the most powerful Billionaires are not above the law.

The best protection for US consumers is when those Billionaires like the Sacklers and Gates who make a fortune out of marketing dangerous drugs and cause millions of deaths and sickness have to pay the approrpriate price. That means every single cent of their ill gotten fortunes and criminal penalties.

Such a judgment will deter other opportunists from engaging in similar schemes which have had devastating public health and economic consequences for the USA.

From media

US supreme court blocks Purdue Pharma’s bankruptcy settlement that would shield Sacklers from lawsuits

Controversial deal would have protected billionaire family owners from further liability over US opioid epidemic

    US politics – follow live

Joanna Walters in New York
Thu 27 Jun 2024 17.20 CEST

The US supreme court has rejected painkiller maker Purdue Pharma’s bankruptcy settlement plan that included an extraordinary measure to protect its Sackler family owners from further liability over the American opioid epidemic, in exchange for providing funds for compensation and rehabilitation treatment.

The 5-4 decision, written by Justice Neil M Gorsuch, was backed by Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel A Alito Jr, Amy Coney Barrett and Ketanji Brown Jackson.

“The Sacklers seek greater relief than a bankruptcy discharge normally affords, for they hope to extinguish even claims for wrongful death and fraud, and they seek to do so without putting anything close to all their assets on the table,” Gorsuch wrote in the opinion. “Describe the relief the Sacklers seek how you will, nothing in the bankruptcy code contemplates (much less authorizes) it.”

The deal was constructed to allow Purdue, the Connecticut company behind the prescription opioid OxyContin, to restructure and also shield the relevant Sackler billionaires without them having to declare personal bankruptcy. The family agreed to contribute $6bn to the settlement from the vast fortune they made from OxyContin and give up ownership.

The company wanted to use the bankruptcy agreement to resolve thousands of lawsuits, many filed by state and local governments across the US, alleging that Purdue Pharma fueled a crisis that ultimately killed half a million Americans by claiming its flagship drug was non-addictive while incentivizing massive over-prescribing.

US solicitor general Elizabeth Prelogar had argued that the release of the Sacklers from future liability is not authorized by the bankruptcy code and constitutes an “abuse of the bankruptcy system.”

The supreme court ruling now leaves matters between the company and plaintiffs unresolved. The case is seen as having consequences for other corporate bankruptcies where company owners or officials want immunity from liability.

“This is a victory for all Americans – a victory for everybody that wealthy wrong-doers don’t have the right to receive liability and write the law, that anybody can stand up against them and protect their rights under the constitution,” said Mike Quinn, who represents Ellen Isaacs, whose son Ryan died after becoming dependent on Oxycontin and who filed a brief in support of the plaintiffs in the supreme court case. “And it shows us that Miss Isaacs’s son didn’t die in vain.”

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