Sunday 23 June 2024

IDF soldiers tied wounded Palestinian to a vehicle as US warns Netanyahu Israel is facing catastrophic defeat against Hezbollah, can overwhelm Iron Dome

 Tying a wounded Palestinian to the bonnet of a jeep would in the ordinary course of military operation result in the immediate arrest,court martial and sentencing to many years in prison of the IDF soldiers responsible. 

But such a lawless, criminal culture now pervades the IDF that the soldiers seem to feel they can commit any atrocity with impunity, fearing little except an "investigation" if the outcry becomes so great.

The fact the IDF is virtually indistringuishable from a  criminal gang in its fighting against civilians, killing women and children in large numbers in Gaza, is largely the fault of the Netanyahu government and leadership which refuses to enforce basic military standards and basic moral attributes.

History shows a lawless military is an easily defeated military.

And the IDF is now struggling so muc against Lebanon s Hezbollah that Israel may end up losing a large portion of Northern Galilee.

Israel s Iron Dome is not able to defend against Hezbollah s missiles, US experts have warned.

Hezbollah can overwhelm Israeli and US defenses by firing 3000 missiles a day. 

"Since 2006, Hezbollah, the world’s best-armed non-state group, has significantly expanded its arsenal and capabilities, including acquiring suicide drones which Israel has struggled to counter, an anti-aircraft missile capability and a widely expanded array of missiles which experts now believe number between 120,000 and 200,000," says The Guardian.

Not just the number of missiles but the superior technology of its missiles give Hezbollah a vital advantage against Israel.

No anti missile defences, no control of the skies.

No control of the skies,no ground operations possible.

No ground operations possible means defeat.

It means a swift defeat  through the the bombing of army positions, bases, warehouses, logistics, trains, roads, Israel s gas pipeline, electriticy grids, cities. And it means the destruction of any US, UK or NATO naval or air power assets which seek to help Israel.

Defeat spells surrender and negotiations and that may mean the forcible transfer of territory held in recent history by the Palestinians back to the Palestinians and their allies in Lebanon.

In Israel s case, defeat may also spell, the execution of arrest warrants against Netanyahu and his allies for genocide in Gaza and other atrocities against Palestinians.

That might include CEO Pfizer Albert Bourla who seems a big supporter of Netanyahu, likely because Netanyahu also helped Bourla make a fortune from the sale of Pfizer covid jabs to Israelis now linked to Excess Deaths in Israel too.

IDF soldiers may find they face justice too for their individual crimes like the hoodlums strapping wounded man to the bonnet of a jeep, to bring the entire IDF in discredit.

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