Saturday 15 June 2024

US Congress passes a bill for Vietman era draft registration as German gov unveils a plan for new military service for 18 yr olds

Parallel to a bill for  automatic draft registration in the USA, the German government has unveiled a plan to make it obligatory for all men to fill out registration form, presented as a  questionnaire, for military service when they turn 18 starting from 2025.

Germany s Defence Minister Boris Pistorus said that all men would be obliged to fill out a questionnaire as part of selective military service upon turning 18 but the questionnaire would be optional for women.

This is mainly because of Constitutional issues which Pistorius does not want to address in parliament, perhaps because he suspects the German public will oppose the plan and the WEF gov will not be able to muster the votes needed in the Bundestag to change the Constitution.

About  10% of all those who fill out the questionnaire and are considered  to be the most suitable and motivated will be selected, initiarlly, to undertake the six-month basic service.

This perhaps because the WEF government fears that conscripts may turn their weapons against them after the covid jab harms and "toxic lockdowns", cover ups and censorship.

In the longer term, the number of people selected for service will increase.

The infrastructure for mass military conscription is to be created. 

The WEF elite conscription plan looks set to meet with massive resistance from a decompartmentalized German public, who largely realize, in 2024, the Ukraine war is being carried out for the profit of private Billionaires and corporations and that their government is a lawless mafia, the media is propaganda, also covering up the covid jab harms and crimes.

Proofs that the government is run by a criminal syndicate,in office under false pretenses, who deliberately broke laws and caused mas smurder and sickness to Germans, as Americans, through covid jabs can be used to nullify military service obligations.

2024 is not 1933 or 1940.

Aside from the question of morale and motivation to fight for the WEF elite, a deindustrialized Germany will not be able to produce enough of the weapons needed, and certainly not enough of the high tech weapons needed, for victory against Russia and China.

The attempt to militarize Germany and Europe may in fact be the nail in the coffin of its fragile economy and accelerate the collapse of the private dollar,euro and manufacturing.

The Russians and Chinese can then swoop in and buy up the West.

From media

This new model aims to increase to 15,000 the number of young people undertaking voluntary military service, a rise of 5,000, in the first year, the ministry said, growing that number year by year.

The aim was to eventually reach 200,000 more reservists, which would enable Germany to swiftly expand its troops to around 460,000 in the event of war - nearly double what it could muster today. It currently has 180,000 soldiers, which it wants to increase to 203,000, and 60,000 reservists.

And even then, Germany would have well fewer than the 500,000 troops and 800,000 reservists of the former West Germany in the Cold War.

"No matter if we are better equipping our armed forces ... the principle of deterrence only works if you have enough soldiers who could eventually defend the country," Pistorius.
The minister has vowed to turn Germany into a "war-ready" nation, warning that war between the NATO western defence alliance and Russia could happen in five to eight years.

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