Saturday 15 June 2024

Israel is rushing into war with Hezbollah with no clear strategy, says equally illogical Biden admin which nearly turned US,UK, EU into radioactive dust last week, says Putin

Irony of ironies!

The very Biden administration,run by the Soros and Gates family and Wall St, which plunges along without any plan other than to murder,loot and lie ever more to the global population  to hide their previous murders, looting and lies, has accused Israel and Netanyahu of having no clear strategy in pursuing a war with Hezbollah.

Indeed, Israel is facing total defeat at the hands of Hezbollah due to its superior hypersonic glide missiles.

So is the US and NATO facing defeat in the Ukraine at the hands of Russia for the same reason.

The WEF elites tactic of escalating crises to escape the consequences of their crimes has reached its limit with the US, Israel and the West facing not military evisceration.

It s one thing for Senator Lindsey Graham, who has never been in a war or endured any hardship, to loll in a comfortable chair in an office in Kiev and tell Zelensky, it is victory or death.

Quite another for Lindsey Graham to find a hypersonic (nuclear?) missile trained on DC, NYC and LA ready to wipe him, Biden,Silicon Valley and Wall St off the face off the earth.

Yet the Lindsey Grahams of the WEF elite still not have not grasped the danger to them.

Want a bet Graham did not make a special will, talk to his family and friends, make plans for his funeral, if anyone was left to bury him.

Want a bet Kaja Kallas and Prince William did not schedule down time with their families and kids as their nuclear annihilation loomed or even register the threat of their imminent demise

When Graham mouths the slogan "victory or death", Graham means the deaths of others,of the Ukrainians, the Russians, the American soldiers.

But Russia and China means the death of the WEF elite like Graham as decision makers in their strategy victory over NATO.

And they have the means to inflict total nuclear evisceration on the WEF elite, Soros, Gates, the Windsors and Rothschilds.

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