Saturday 15 June 2024

After destroying the US dollar, NATO, accelerating the creation of Russia and China as the globe s new superpower by backing Zelensky, and nearly getting West nuked, Lindsey Graham must give US public more gems of his wisdom

Imagine a chess player who has lost the Queen, the Knights, the Bishops,the Castles and all but one pawn in a game and is facing an opponent with all those pieces, who then looks up at the audience and says "I won because I took all my pieces off the board which could have been given to the opponent?"

You d say a chess player like that is a buffoon and bluffer and living in la la land.

Well, here is Lindsey "La La Land" Graham now telling the Americans and WEF that all the losses and disasters of the Ukraine war for NATO,for the West economy, due to Russian gas sanctions (NordStream),to the dollar on the verge of collapse, hyperinflation, are worth it because Ukraine s mineral assets,which Russia does not need,  as it has plenty, may or may not end up in the hands of the WEF elite if somehow they can still avert a defeat in the Ukraine, for example, by nuking Russia by surprise because conventional US military weapons have been exposed as obsolete and useless.

Yes, the creation of  a new super power bloc in the world in Russia and China was worth the Ukraine disaster because of the potential, yes, potential, to get mineral assets Russia and China do not need as they have plenty.

The death of a million or so Ukrainians, martial law in the Ukraine, the suspension of elections are all worth it for mineral assets, says Lindsey Graham.

Moreover, mineral assets the US and West can t really capitalize on without electricty and roads in the Ukraine and an industrial base as well as a different structure to global mineral markets, even, yes, even if the US and WEF actually end up getting Ukraine s mnineral assets in return for 100s of billions of dollars of aide and weapons.

A new arms race, NATO and the US has lost was worth it because of mineral assets of marginal value to the West and WEF elite,worth the loss of all its power,money, military, credibility, according to Lindsey Graham.

And it turns out Puin nearly nuked Lindse Graham last week,and may still nuke him in response to the threat to nuke Russia and China along with the rest of the WEF elite any time because their threat continues.

As if any mineral assers in the Ukraine can save the WEF elite from being turned to radioactive dust.

Guess Graham never knows when to stop bluffing,lying,spinning.

Victory or death, Lindsey? 

After all, Lindsay, you keep saying NATO, Zelensky, the US must have victory or face death.

Well, here s the news, Lindsey.

The Russians will chose what you get, whether you get victory or death, not you. You will receive their decision.

Your kind of  dangerous buffoonery,which you never fail to present as something clever with your arrogant mien, is just one reason why the Russians and Chinese are so ready to press the nuclear button.

However often you get it wrong, you never learn.


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