Saturday 8 June 2024

Social media asks whether Kate will ever be seen again,not seen in public since Dec 25th. No proof Kate wrote any letter to Irish Guards to apologize for not attending ceremony

 If Kate is well enough to write a letter to the Irish Gaurds as Colonel apologizing for not attending a parade and the Trooping of the Colour as their Colonel,why can t she make a video message or go in person for 5 minutes to their barracks? 

Not seen since Dec 25th, there is, in fact,no proof that Kate is still alive, fuelling speculation that she is a Diane 2.0 on social media. 

Do the British tax payers have the right to know why Kate as a Colonel in a British army regiment, funded by tax payers, is not carrying out official duties. Absend for six months, there are no plans for her to carry out any public engagements in the foreseeable future. 

Could any other Colonel in the British army than a member of the monarchy disappear for six months without triggering an investigation?

Where are the Met? Why haven t they checked onKate?

Prince Harry is on record saying he was physically assaulted by William and William issued statements in his name without his permission? So, there is a worrying precedent.

Why do William and Charles think what many in the public will see as possibly issuing letters under her name, for that is what the public will suspect when Kate does not appear in person for 6 months and there are no plans for her to appear,will quell suspicions instead of fuelling them? 

Why not just ask her to appear for 2 minutes to silence the conspiracies? She is supposed to be fine, so where is she? Charles has cancer and he appears in public so why can t Kate?

Isn t this the kind of fantasy mindset that believes bluff is everything which has created so many problems in the first place for the WEF elite? Indeed,spells their end now as their many crimes catch up with them including the covid jab crimes now reported in the media and publicized by the tragic ampuations suffered by brave MP Craig Mackinlay, a perfectly healthy man until he took the covid jabs?

Where s the realistic legal strategy for a real and growing problem,which could see them on trial in Moscow or Beijing if not in London?

Is it wise to forge a signature on a letter?

The fact that Kate did not attend a high society wedding yesterday also put the focus on William s incredible,implausible and unlikely claims that Kate is doing well and on the obsequious nature of a specific circle of his friends, who appear ready to bury the question of where Kate is, which is on the British public minds despite the censorship along with the covid jab harms.

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