Sunday 30 June 2024

Jill, Valerie Biden, Obama and Ted Kaufmann emerge as the unelected oligrachy ruling the US using mentally unfit Joe Biden, insist he continues to run despite disastrous TV debate revealing his decline

Unelected family members led by Jill Biden and Barack Obama have been revealed as the decision makers in the Biden administration after Biden s TV debate confirmed fears the 81 year old President is mentally and physically incapable of the job and the US has really been in ruled by a secretive, unelected oligarchy.

Jill Biden and Obama are among those insisting plainly unfit and mentally incapable Biden is not their front man and cut out who allows them to govern behind the scenes without voter scrutiny but a bona fida presidential candidate.

This because, it seems, they do not want to lose control of the levers of power having committed so many crimes also in relation to the covid lockdown and jabs.

That revelationof their influence and power over Biden makes Jill and Valerie Biden,Kaufmann and Obama prime suspects. They can no longer claim to be just spectators watching from the bleachers the decisions Biden made, and makes, in office.

The Biden and Obama family bank accounts need to be scrutinized to see if they have been part of a cash for favours scheme, selling access to Bidn and influence over his decisions for cash.

They must share co responsibility for Biden s terrible record in office and for crimes like the Gaza genocide.

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