Monday 17 June 2024


Cuba has criticized the US for sending a nuclear attack sub to shadow Russian naval assets armed with nuclear capable hypersonic glide missiles. 

Russia sent the naval assets to Cuba and the doorstep of the USA in response to an apparant plan by NATO to lanch a surprise nuclear strike on Moscow and the Russian territory.

Putin on Friday said Russia can close to use its nuclear arsenal on the West to preempt a strike designed to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia when NATO, US is unable to win the war in the Ukraine with conventional weapons.

Zelensky has said he believes the Russians could use nuclear weapons against the Ukraine.

An attempt by WEF governments led by Switzerland to press gang Russia into accepting defeat, failed when South Africa, Saudi Arabia, India, Mexico,Indonesia, Thailand,the UAE and other non aligned refused to sign the declaration presented at the end of a conference.

Russia was not invited to the conference. China did not attend.

A huge explosion was reported ina Russia s  Rostov on the Don last night,wiping out electricity and water supplies, though the cause of the explosion is not yet clear.

Prince Philip backed nuclear disarmamnt,arguing nuclear weapons are not tactical but strategic nuclear weapons.

Alas,his offspring, Charles, Anne and William have pushed themselves and the West to the brink of nuclear evisceration. For it was they and the UK government which used UK drones to destroy two out of three of Russia s nuclear early warning stations just as long range nuclear capable ballistic missiles started to rain down on Russia,making it impossible for the Kremlin to know which one was or was not carrying a nuke,sow confusion and make a shock and awe surprise strike, likely aimed at destroying Moscow and St Petersburg.

Nuclear capable F16s are also massing in and around the Ukraine.

Their dangerous nuclear roulette makes a mockery of their alleged passion for nature,for protecting wild life which is supposed to justify  population reduction measures also through covid jab harms.

Nuclear weapons will clearly destroy a vast number of people in the West and also make huge geographical areas uninhabitable for animals and plants. 

As Putin said,the WEF elite are selfish and arrogant and only care about themselves and staying out of prison for their covid jab, war and other crimes and are ready to start and escalate conflicts to the point of nuclear catastrophe, kill and make sick hundreds of millions, wipe out animals, turn nature into radioactive deserts in the delusional idea this will help them escape justice and allow them to retain control over the globe. 

What do they do with their control? Kill huge numbers of people, make people sick, lie to people, steal from people,imprison and torture people,  and all in the name of a self ascribed moral superiority which is supposed to be manifested in their love of nature, their readiness to be the guardians of nature,of our planet, of animals and plant speices,

But when the chips are down, and when they think it can save their skins, they seem more than ready to use weapons Prince Philip warned would destroy our planet. 

The Russians, and Chinese,know they are dealing with semi lunatics just from the Greek prosecutor probes which captured George Soros in 2016, and which have now captured Nat Rothschild, as personally organizing murder attempts against a reporter for exposing their crimes and corrupting justice.

Kremlin based TV interviewed me on the prosecutor proofs against Soros and his corruption in 2016.


The Kremlin!

I challenge any one to read through these crimes and not see the working of a lunatics mind in them

Greek authorities violated basic standards of due process and fair trial to bury the criminal cases against Soros and Gates.

There were never seen breaches of due process so flagrant and so egregious and none  of it has been reporte in any Western media

Greek State undertook such coordinated, systematic and intense efforts, and deploy such huge
resources, against a reporter who was the victim of a crime of Soros and Gates and, it turns out Nat Rothschild, that it attracted the attention of the Kremlin, the FBI and probably every intelligence service around the globe to them personally, the information they wanted to hide and to their stupidity.

The Russians know that anyone that stupid, so intent on demolishing their own reputations, power and putting themselves and their entire network in prison, is capable of trying to use nuclear weapons to destroy them.

The Russians know that whenever they are caught, exposed, the globe sees their crimes,they double down, pretend no one has seen everything,the Kremlin has not noticed Soros, their biggest enemy, Beijing hasn t noticed Soros,their number 1 threat, hasn t been caught in Greece with his gang.

Compulsively and obsessively,they repeat the same mistakes, get caught,exposed and do the same madness over and over again with zero capacity for reflection self reflection or change as if the entire WEF elite is like the frozen,scelerotic Joe Biden determined to destroy themselves and as many people as they can with them.

Where is the intelligence of Nat Rothschild caught with personal knowledge of my Twitter, X feed which can only have been obtained by spying on my computer and IP address unlawfully?

What does Nat Rothschild, the super rich beneficiary of Russian energy assets like Yukos, the manager of the Ukraine governments debt, a trustee of Poroshenko s  opaque accounts, gain by giving away that he follows my Twitter, X closely? Nothing. What does he lose by linked with his right hand Soros in the ongoing crimes of the Greek prosecutor probes? Everything.

The Russians know they are dealing with semi lunatics,who can t work out what their goal is or how to accomplish it but lurch from one crime and bluff to the next with no plan except more violence, more death, more looting and more stupidity.


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