Wednesday 5 June 2024

ALERT! Lara Logan joins Alex Jones as Infowars to be shut down on June 14th (giving a clue as to WEF timeline for a nuke false flag,martial law)

South African journalist Lara Logan notes Elon Musk has never contacted her or offered her help in a her informative interview, asks where are the governors supporting Marjorie Taylor Greene as US faces total implosion.

Also, says WEF elite fear Gen Mike Flynn more than  Trump!

Also, says people need to reduce the cost of whistleblowing.

To my many US readers since 2014, 2015 and followed my Ebola false flag coverage,also in the FBI and intel, nd who just left me in the lurch without a cent or publicity in the Soros and Gates case, you saw what happened in 2020. Covid,lockdowns, economic devastation, jab misery.

That s what penny wise,pound foolish means. 

Soros, Gates spend millions to destroy me and you gave not one cent to help me  put them in prison in 2015,2016 for their crimes.

I include Trump and Flynn in this criticism. Where were you? Where are you now?

Trump is facing the very lawfare I have to face.

I include Juncker, another coward co responsible for this disaster.How much does he earn for his job and how much is his pension?So, he is happy to work for huge sums and does nothing if he isn t paid?

And he leaves the people who have to do the really hard work to inform and protect the public to work for nothing,face danger,defamation, ruin and won t even give 10 euros to that person?

Not only would Juncker and the EU bureaucrats not give 10 euros, they would not even think of giving it. That s what the greed of the wage slave without conscience, decency, common sense who now run the civil services in the West.

And have you learned,any of you, been willing to give one cent or one Tweet?


Now is the time to learn from your past mistakes, your failures which contributed to this disaster.

If you dont support the whistleblowers, you lose.

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