Monday 3 June 2024


Russia s a plan to eliminate UK and France s nuclear capacity in one strike called Operation Unthinkable has been unveiled as it emerged France and the UK used Storm Shadow and Scalp cruise missiles to attack Russian, funelled through their proxy, the Ukraine.

The Russian plan has been widely publized in UK media in the past two days with no UK or French military expert so far plausibly able to show how the Russian strikes can be stopped with the old and strained weapons systems available to the two countries, including, crucially, severely depleted French air defenses.

Mobile nuclear bunkers are to be used to protect Russia s population.

The destruction of two of Russians nuclear early warning systems covering the south eastern flank can only be interpreted as the first stage of a plan to strike Russia with nuclear weapons possibly from NATO forces in the East Med,Israeli region.

Enjoying a clear advantage also in the sphere of nuclear and space weapons, Russia and China clearly have the motive and means to carry out a nuclear strike and deal a fatal military blow to the deeply unpopular WEF elite, facing prosecution for their covid tyranny and jab harms and other crimes, facing a rebellio by any conscript army and struggling to contain scandals including the theft of elections.

The plan involves a multi stage approach offering NATO and the WEF elite the opportunity to surrender after the destruction of France and the UK s nuclear capacity. A deadline of 24 hours has been set before the next attack on European targets using tactical nuclear weapons in recognition of the fact the WEF elite who control and command the dystopian, totalitarian West are "stupid" as Putin called them in an interview with Tucker, jokers and clowns as Dominic Cummings called them, and will almost certainly not surrender until they themselves are neutralized.

In addition, the Russian government has identified the WEF elite as Satanists and paedophiles, who enjoy inflicting violence on others. Bankrolled for generations by the European central bank family, the Rothschilds, whose right hand man is Soros, this clique has relied on mafia tactics to keep control of the issuance money and seems incapable of engaging in classical political and military activities which involve compromise.

Know your enemy, is the first law of war. When an enemy resembles a "crazy dog", a fanatical and aggressive "animal" without logical or goals as in the Gaza genocide, then the focus of those attacked must be on exterminating it.

With NATO weapons proving too few and too old and the West too industrialized and poor to produce significantly more or better weapon, NATO has no options to escalate conflict,which is its stated goal,  apart from nuclear strikes against Russia and China, which must be delivered by surprise to avert a preemptive strike which NATO cannot defend against.

 From media

'OPERATION UNTHINKABLE' Putin would wipe out Britain and France’s nuclear deterrents in ONE DAY if WW3 begins, Kremlin insider warns
Russia is building nuclear shelters across the country in preparation for a nuclear conflict

    Ellie DoughtyWill Stewart

    Published: 10:49, 1 Jun 2024Updated: 13:03, 1 Jun 2024

    Ellie DoughtyWill Stewart

RUSSIA plans to destroy Britain and France's nuclear powers in just one day if WW3 unfolds, a pro-Kremlin propagandist has warned.

Dr Yuri Baranchik has ranted about "Operation Unthinkable", a plan to be used if Putin's war in Ukraine descends into global conflict.

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The British nuclear Vanguard submarine - one of Russia's targets under the WW3 plan
The British nuclear Vanguard submarine - one of Russia's targets under the WW3 planCredit: PA
Russia also threatened to unleash its tactical nukes on the West as part of its plan
Russia also threatened to unleash its tactical nukes on the West as part of its planCredit: AP
French president Macron with naval personnel in front of French nuclear submarine Suffren
French president Macron with naval personnel in front of French nuclear submarine SuffrenCredit: AFP
Dr Baranchik, a Kremlin insider, warned of Putin's plans for attacking Europe's nuclear arsenal
Dr Baranchik, a Kremlin insider, warned of Putin's plans for attacking Europe's nuclear arsenalCredit: AFP

Baranchik, who works for the pro-Putin Moscow RUSSTRAT Institute, said Russian forces would "eliminate the nuclear potentials of Britain and France".

This would weaken Europe significantly within just 24 hours of a nuclear WW3 - targeting Britain and France's nuke submarines and warheads.

Designed to "pull out the nuclear teeth of Britain and France", Baranchik says it would seriously damage Nato's nuclear power.

He boasted on Telegram: “Instead of a protracted war of attrition, in one day we deprive France and Britain of their nuclear weapons and destroy the whole of Europe

Instead of a protracted war of attrition, within one day we deprive France and Britain of their nuclear weapons and destroy the whole of Europe,' he wrote, before redacting the last clause.

'We deprive them of their status as nuclear powers and radically change the entire security system in Europe.'

The post highlighted the perceived priorities of Russia, Dr Baranchik going on to suggest that such measures would allow the Kremlin to strongarm the United States into ending its military and financial support for Kyiv.

Only last week, the United States issued a new round of funding up to $275mn for Ukraine, with Kyiv calling for desperately-needed missiles to push back the Russian advances around Kharkiv.

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