Tuesday 4 June 2024

Censorship by Twitter, X as Fauci s historical testimony shows Biden admin, Bill Gates,media deliberately lied to Americans about every aspect of covid

 Completed the human authentificaiton test successfully again only to find myself again unable to access my feed due to technical problems.

No, this is a system of censorship using the fig leaf of a technical problems.

The censorship is happeing as former NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci was forced to reveal during Monday s testimony to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that he and the Biden admin and WHO, run by Bill Gates, according to Politico, lied to Americans about everything related to covid.


From morning until night, Fauci personally fronted a media campaign that the covid virus did not come from a bioweapons programme but was naturally occurring, that the covid vaccines were safe and effective when they were also a part of the bioweapons programme, that the lockdown, masks and social distancing were measures based on science when they were politiclly motivated control measures.

The lies were deliberate, systematic, coordinated and they cost millions of Americans their lives, their health and their businesses.


Is it a coincidence that Musk and Twitter, X have shut me down at this time when everything I said has proven to be true, when the time for  Greek prosecutor probes to be used in courts is coming?

When Fauci is revealed as a mass murder, the murderer of millions of people around the world, a man who caused sickness and deaths to tens of millions of Americans?

When even The Telegraph is publishing reports on studies showing that it was the covid vaccines which have caused the massive increase in Excess Death?


Who does Elon Musk and Twitter, X,work for?

Not for Americans, not for public health, not for justice. That s what his censorship shows.

They appear to work for Morgan Stanley who gave Musk the loan to buy Twitter, X, and the WEF elite who want this information suppressed,hidden.

Time for Americans to put the entire private central banking cartel including Musk and Twitter execs on trial along with Fauci.

Americans do not need the WEF elite. They need a free media, justice, free election and a competitive economy and a sound people s central bank.

They have a right to know certain information about the Greek prosecutor probes allowing for the arrest of Soos, Gates today, the imprisonment of Biden, Fauci, Sunak, Cameron, the right to know that covid was a scheme, that govs knew the covid jabs were bioweapons, the right to know about private bank debt and the threat of a nuclear strike by Russia against NATO, UK and France as the WEF elite seeks to escalte conflicts to escape jail.

Musk gains users by claiming to offer, free uncensored media.   It s a dangerous lie.

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