Wednesday 5 June 2024

Tucker Carlson says Klaus Schwab is a buffoon and the WEF elite are primitive and motivated by envy

Tucker says he met Klaus Schwab and found him a buffon and discusses the intellectual and pyschological issues of the WEF elite which have brought them to the brink of ruin in a clip.

We should paradoxically be grateful the WEF are inddeed "jokers" and "clowns","buffoons" living in la la land because if they had more intellectual capacities, they might have gotten away with their bird flu scam in 2009,for example, just because they have so much money through their control of the private central banks and so much power over governments through their Epstein and other  paedophile,blackmail networks.

Now,the WEF elite are facing the end,about to lose everything,including their lives and their eternal souls.

This WW3 crisis we are now experiencing is the crisis of the end of the WEF elite desperately clinging to power by ever more crazy and fantastical schemes,which are all going to fail because they lack the power in 2024 to impose their will on the globe.

The only question now is how many people are they going to take down with them as some form of nuclear war now seems inevitable.

Russia s plan to use strategic nukes to take down the WEF elite and their power base may be the one which costs the least lives from the global point of view.

My thinking is they should have delayed their rendezvous with God and Judgment Day by opting to go to trial and jail, using the time to work on themselves and develop skills.

But as Tucker says, the "mafia" WEF elite don t seem to have the capacity for any reflection.

From media

Tucker Carlson said he believes "primitive" envy and an inability to cause change are the motivators behind the world's ruling class and "buffoons" such as World Economic Forum Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab.

"I was with Klaus Schwab this Winter," Carlson told former Navy SEAL and CIA contractor Shawn Ryan on The Shawn Ryan Show. "I spoke at an event in the Middle East he was at, and whatever, I don't know Klaus Schwab, but I got to see him up close."

"He's like an idiot," he added. "He's like an elderly idiot who seems a little senile, like doesn't have [any] idea what he's talking about at all. He's totally unimpressive."

Carlson said the impression Schwab gave him serves as a reminder that the closer normal people get to the ruling class, the more people realize that the people pulling the strings are mediocre.

"They're buffoons. They have no idea what they're doing," he said. "I don't think there's a conspiracy. I doubt they're smart enough to articulate it and write it down or anything like that, but it's just like, again, they're weak people. They're motivated by a rage and envy."

Carslon said people like Schwab and Secretary of State Antony Blinken are not responsible for the society that we live in.

"Anything worth having, they did not build ... from our beautiful train stations to our power grid to any of our infrastructure to Harvard University to our legal code to anything that's great about America," he said. "They didn't create anything. They're not capable of it."

This inability to create has fueled the world's elites with rage and a desire to destroy, Carlson said.

"They're mad in the way that primitive envious people are mad," he said. "They don't celebrate beauty. They destroy beauty. You see this a lot. It's one of the main motivators of evil in my view."

Their misanthropy has even caused them to turn on history and attack those responsible for building a better world, Carlson said.

"'Dead White men!'" Carlson said, impersonating them. "OK, who created our entire society, like everything, all of our founding documents, everything? And they hate them most."

"Why would you be mad at James Madison? He's long gone. 'Thomas Jefferson owned slaves!' Unlike Muhammad or whatever, you know?" he said. "They come up with these pretexts to justify their hate, but really, it's just envy."

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